Jay Gray

Immerse - Adapt - Evolve

The foundation of Onyx Elite was one of humble beginnings, what started as a passion and a part time career interest in a residential backyard in 2001 soon evolved into a personal journey for myself and those I coached ready for change and growth.

A brief insight into the juggling act of being a painter, studying to be a Naturopath and running PT sessions early morning and at night after painting all day soon progressed to having to make a decision that would pave the next decade.

Through consistent hard work this quickly evolved into a full-time commitment both from a new commercial space point of view and a client base that was growing rapidly. Through an undeniable passion to help clients evolve into the best version of themselves no matter what their goal, my business and I personally have received exponential growth over the past 20 years.

An initial operating space of 50sqm that evolved into a multidisciplinary facility boasting 1200sqm, staffed by experienced coaches in an array of fields. Housing an extremely successful Fight Team of Pro Boxers that are now competing on some of the biggest stages in the World.

Experience across a myriad of training protocols all geared at delivering the outcome of optimum performance and in turn extraordinary results. Alignment with the principles and values that  Train – Adapt – Evolve represents has seen me be fortunate enough to coach and assist in the evolution of an array of individuals from professional & amateur boxing, muay thai, adventure racing, triathlon, ultra-marathons, strength & conditioning, sports specific programming for a diverse range of athletes, powerlifting, remedial massage, recovery protocols, Thailand fitness retreats, fight promotions, armed forces selection training, pre-season coaching for football, rugby, cricket etc, the list is endless ! All experiences as a participant and/or coach that has fuelled my passion and continues to give me purpose.

I recently made a decision to close the doors of my facility and forge forward in a different landscape not confined by the restraints of 4 walls, alternatively offering coaching options online and through my resilience retreats to have a greater reach and impact on a large cross section of the community. Still aligning with my purpose, values and mission, constantly evolving we continue to inspire change and never settle for mediocrity by pushing boundaries on what may seem impossible.




Onyx Elite’s private facility is nestled amongst 2 acres in the hills of Perth, Western Australia. Backing up onto national forest sits an extensively equipped strength & conditioning gym, full sized boxing ring, callisthenics rig, ice baths, infra-red sauna, normatec recovery system plus much more. A beautiful space aligned with nature and the four elements in which I continue to coach and program to an extensive list of high performing clients.

My message is simple and clear. Through my personal experimentation, self immersion, adaptation, success and results, I can unequivocally confirm I believe the more times we face and overcome adversity the stronger and more resilient we become. This is a place, albeit hard sometimes, I search for from a physical sense and on a regular basis in life seems to come my way. There’s a profound confidence that sparks in an individual that has zero give up in them during these hardships. That individual is me!

Envision, inspire, empower, execute, motivate, give and you will reap what you sow. Live by this and you can’t lose.

If I was to relate the process to a fight – if you tick ✅ 7/10 boxes leading into that fight, you will always find an excuse as to why you lost. Tick ✅ all 10/10 boxes, do the 1 percenters that have an accumulative effect and you lose, there is zero shame in that. The same applies in life.

There’s a sequence of steps to success in life but the primary one is your ability to connect to self and to explore your deepest darkest layers. It means believing in yourself. It means willingness to accept “failure” so you can learn the critical skill of adaptation. It means not compromising on your most important values. Meeting yourself at this level with presence and connected consciousness, creates a unique opportunity to live authentically and to step into your power.

Through a myriad of esoteric deep journeys, various plant medicines in sacred ceremonial settings, willingness to allow myself to be vulnerable, delve into the uncomfortable in order to surrender to a higher purpose, I can unequivocally confirm my role on Mother Earth is to serve and lift others up. 

Through these experiences I’ve created an unparalleled, unique, holistic system to inspire others to walk their path and evolve into the best version of themselves.

These services are offered both from an individual coaching perspective and alternatively with facilitation during our one day and five day immersive retreats.